The purpose of the Audio Visual Smart System product is to create a centralized audio & visual control product from the central room to the classrooms selected by the operator through software applications, along with the value added that utilizes information technology, software, IoT and digital & analog answer the shortcomings in similar products that have been circulating in the market.
The benefits of Audio Visual Smart System products are for easy management of the distribution of audio, visual and text information to classrooms. The functional audio & visual smart system can be used to distribute audio, sound and text information from the control room to the classrooms and can also be used as an english audio quiz player during listening exams.
The superiority of the Audio Visual Smart System product is that all audio and visual control systems fully use software applications that do not require a lot of physical audio devices because the audio & visual products are smart software using software applications.
This product also has many other added value such as audio broadcast selector, monitoring classroom with CCTV which is monitored centrally, presenting application using RFID card in every classroom, SMS Gateway application to disseminate information via SMS protocol and automatic Bel Scheduled through application
Background Case
Based on the experience we have encountered, many classroom audio can not reproduce enough audio sounds, such as dominant bass or dominant treble audio, so that the audio sound becomes unclear, echoed and so on.
The biggest problem is because they use amplifiers that are only suitable if used on music but the audio is not suitable as a room audio, the amplifier is more emphasis on bass and treble-bassed audio. Though classroom audio should be dominant in the middle and high frequencies.
In addition, the sound sourced from the amplifier can not spread evenly to every room, because the distance between the central room and the classrooms are different from each other, so there is a decrease in the quality of the received audio signal in each room (this is related to audio signal impedance).
In addition, classroom audio is not equipped with adequate control system, so the audio output is distributed just to the entire classroom without control. This is quite disturbing if the desired execution of English listening exams in certain rooms only.
After we analyzed the classroom audio technology products that already exist today, the following conclusions are drawn:
- Classroom audio controls still use manual switch with old technology. Even the audio products found no controls at all so that the audio sound is just spread to the room just like that.
- Inflexible controls due to the large variety of switches. If the combination of classroom audio selection more and more then the switching model is also increasingly complex.
- The combination of limited classroom audio selection, even if the part of the space audio controller operator will have difficulty because of the many types of switch labels.
- The number of audio channels of the room is already fixed, for example for 20 channel classes for 1 centralized device, so if there is an increase in the number of rooms, then the main control module should be replaced.
After I consider the advancement of technological development today, among others:
- IT technology, for example: software, hardware and computer networks
- IoT technology (internet of think)
- Digital electronic technology, micro controller and embedded systems.
By adopting the above technology it is expected that our design products become a superior product, value-added products, multipurpose products, efficient products, convenient products in operation, and products that can be developed continuously.
Goals And Objectives of The Activity
The purpose of making Audio Visual Smart System product are:
- We create a centralized audio & visual control product from the central room to the classroom by utilizing IT, IOT and electronic technology to make the product more efficient, multifunctional and sustainable development and answer the shortcomings of similar products on the market
- We create value-added products in addition to functioning as an audio distribution management.
The objective of the implementation of Audio Visual Smart System product creation activities are:
- School. Provides audio classroom control facilities and their added value to deliver up-to-date information in the form of audio, visual and text sound. warning shift in the form of automatic bell that has been scheduled through software applications.
- Student. Obtain the latest information in the form of audio sound, text via dot matrix display. Applications can be used as a means of language exam player (listening) with audio quality and good audio space control.
- Parents & school management. Provides ease of information dissemination structured with SMS Gateway technology propagated through phonebook application.
- Language teachers. Provides ease in carrying out the listening exams that are managed based on the classroom.
Aspects of Technology Innovation Products
Audio Visual Smart System products use hybrid technology, which combines analog audio & video and digital control technology by utilizing IoT technology, Microcontroller, Networking, Network Programming, Control Software with C # programming language and MySQL database.
Audio and visual control systems all use apps. The advantage is the ease of audio / visual selection of the room, that is by clicking the names of the classroom on the form that has been provided without using a manual switch, the selection of space names in accordance with the database class that has been entered previously.
The main innovation of the Audio Smart System is the incorporation of some of the latest technologies into a more powerful Audio Visual Smart System product.
The types of services provided by this product include:
- Audio, Full delivery of audio / microphone signals from the central room to selected classrooms through provided form and filterable by room group, class, class, and so on.
- Visual CCTV, CCTV visual controls to view classroom conditions from the central room remotely by selecting the classroom through the provided form.Dot Matrix Display, Control delivery of text-based information written through the application form that has been provided. Then sent remotely to display on the dot matrix display broadcast to the entire classroom.
- SMS Gateway, Utilization of SMS Gateway technology to send SMS messages to all selected phone numbers. Where the phone number can be written directly if it is adhoc, or sent broadcast according to the data phonebook that has been provided. SMS delivery is done easily without mobile phone because it has used GSM modem and SMS form that has been provided.
- RFID Presence, utilizes RFID student card as a remote attendance tool. When students attend the classroom entry time, then the data will be sent remotely to the central room to be stored.
- Automatic Bell, the application is accompanied by scheduling of change of lesson hour or other agenda. From the scheduling application database the pre-set will automatically activate the bell, propagated throughout the classroom.
- Classroom Microphone, each classroom has a microphone for teachers who need loudspeakers. Where the microphone can be wired line cable or wireless mic.
The concept of products that we will develop are as follows:
- All room audio & video controls do not use any manual buttons or switches. All room audio and video controls use computer applications with easy and fun operation.
- No naming switch is confusing. All classroom audio naming is tailored to the actual classroom name, since it uses a database application.
- There is no limit on the number of room channels on the server side. The addition of the audio client is enough to add the name of the classroom in the server application, so there is no hardware channel upgrade. (so the addition of classroom audio depends on IP Subnetting)
- There is no limit to how many audio clients can connect to the server operator.
- It does not need many conventional audio devices such as audio / video player, audio mixer, audio equalizer. it can be done by maximizing audio & video applications on the computer.
- It is obviously aesthetically simpler than conventional classroom audio.
- It produces clear audio vocals and audio is spread evenly across all classrooms.
- Efficient installation because it requires only one type of cable (topology BUS to send audio signal) for all clients connected to the server.
- While the control signal of the room audio device using wireless media (Socket TCP).
The audio video installation model of smart system to be developed is as follows
Screenshoot Picture
For more information on the smart visual audio project system you can visit
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