Recap Network Addressing

This session just remembering of a part of 7 OSI Layers, emphasis on 3th layer from the bottom. Exactly that is a Network Layer.

We are realize that almost dirty hand of an engineer network will do about Application Layer and Network Layer. So how about the other ones? in the real life, almost all layers except application and network layer are wrapped by hardware and software, they handled by industries manufacture of network peripherals and we don't care about that. We are required to know how to use it instead how the system works exactly.

As your consideration we know 2 kinds of addressing network:
  • Physical Address (MAC Address) - it is classified as Data Link Layer
  • Logical Address (IP Address) -  it is classified as Network Layer
Actually every network interface (network interface card or wireless) has a unique ID, we call a MAC Address which embedded in their hardware. But human can not read/remembering easily (example of MAC Address: 00-19-D2-8B-5D-FF), we can not manage it or create a segmentation of the network. Imagine, if you send data using MAC, how many MAC in the world, you must broadcasting the data packet to all around the world. That is make a crowded traffic, slow and not efficient. That is way we use Logical Address (IP Address) to transform MAC into IP and vice versa.

IP Address
The Internet is an entire network of interconnected computers in the world. In order to communicate and exchange data, between these computers requires the address as the identity of the identifier. That address is globally called the IP Address.

IP address is easy to use, easy to read and network segmented. Every network device (ie. smartphone, laptop, tablet, PC, etc) has an IP address to identify of the host to connected between others using TCP/UDP protocol.

An IP address is not actually assigned to a computer unit, but to a Network Interface inside that computer. For example, a computer / CPU may have two network interfaces that have two IP addresses. On the CPU The additional network interface is usually a Lan Card.

In a Computer Network, IP Address must be unique, should not be exactly the same as the IP on the other interface. It is intended to avoid any data transmission errors.

There are two types of IP Address: IPv4 (32bit )and IPv6 (128bit). But now we just focus on IPv4, for the next explanation i call it just IP. IPv4 is devided by four blocks decimal number which every block number is represented 8bit X 4 bloks = 32bit binary number. I give you a mention:

IP Address: (dec) = 1100000.10101000.00000001.00000001 (bin)

An IP address is actually divided into two portions of the Network portion and Host portion. Network is part of the IP address that shows the address or id of a network. While the Host part is the part that shows the address of the computer in the network earlier.

Related to that, there are some rules, among others:
  • All network addresses must be the same if we want the computer can be connected without the help of a router. 
  • In a network there should be no host with the same value.
IP Prefixs
The IP Address consists of 32 bit binary numbers and that in an IP Address consisting of 32 binary bits there is a NETWORK-ID portion and a HOST-ID portion. NETWORK-ID is used for identification of network addresses, so if other networks want to communicate with our network, just go to the Network ID.

While HOST-ID is the Identification of Host or Computer that is in the network. Well how can we determine which portion of Network-id and which is its Host-id? but we can not simply say that the last 8 bits of an IP address are Host-id portions.

By knowing Prefix we can find out which Hosts can be used. This prefix is ​​usually used in Router configuration. Example of prefix writing "", where /24 is a prefix of network which means if is changed in 32 bit binary numbers then the first 24 numbers are NETWORK-ID and the remaining 8 bits are HOST-ID. Notice the descriptions below:
The use of prefix /24 will result in a network with 254 hosts.

For more details we use again another example. This time with different network addresses and prefixes. Network addresses are not always worth as much as the network address may use other values ​​depending on the prefix.

Example we will look for ip address that can be used on ip
The use of prefix /29 only generates as many as 6 hosts. That's the function of prefix on computer network.

Subnetmask Mask
What is a subnet mask? just like Prefix, Subnet mask is also a determinant of Network-id and Host-Id portion of binner number rows. The subnet mask value follows the prefix value, which is why I discuss the prefix first.

So what's the difference between subnet mask and prefix? it's just different writing only.

The subnet mask is written in binary. For example if we have IP Address / 24 (prefix 24) then according to the previous discussion the first 24 bits are the portion of Network-ID and 8 bits afterwards is the Host-ID portion.

How to get his subnet mask is pretty easy. If the IP address bit is the Network-id portion then all the bit values ​​are made into ONE and if the IP address bit is the Host-id portion then all the bit values ​​are made ZERO.

For the example:
Then the Subnet Mask of the Prefix /24 IP Address is
Another example if its prefix /28:
Then the Subnet Mask of the Prefix /28 IP Address is

Well that's about how to write Subnet Mask on IP Address settings.

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