Saturday, January 27, 2018

Just Another Day on Duty

Teaching is a sharing activity, hopefully it will be a useful science for them and their future.
So let we talk about seven OSI layer in computer networking. 
You are rock....

DSP + 4 Channel Digital Input Selector + Bluetooth Audio Receiver + IR Remote

DSP + Bluetooth Audio Receiver + OLED Prototype + Encoder Rotary Selector

DSP, Audio Bluetooth, Smart Control Encoder Headphone Amplifier with OLED Monitor.

Next project, I will make headphone amplifier with control 1 potentiometer encoder to control all digital audio headphone amplifier navigation. The audio input of the headphone amplifier comes from the aux in and the bluetooth audio receiver. The tone control setting using DSP consists of volume, bass, treble settings. middle, gain and mute. While the additional features of the headphone amplifier is the VU display spectrum analyzer and clock.

The program code is complete, just double layer PCB repair and next is the production process.

Don't Forget To Be Happy

Two places I have missed to go back there, the two land of harom mecca and madina. It was the most beautiful place in all the places on earth, despite the stinging heat, barren and arid, but the two places made me deeper in love with the great God.

Masjidil harom mecca and mosque nabawi remind me of my sins all this time, and make me realize that my final destination is not in this temporary world, but there is still a long journey that I have not taken, that is the afterlife, heaven.

May I always be close to the land of the harom.